The Alexander Technique is a from of sensory re-education that teaches people how to eliminate ingrained habits of body “misuse” and stress patterns, experienced as bad backs, neck problems, headaches, or mental/emotional problems such as depression.
3 out of 4 people suffer from some sort of backpain and it is the single most common reason to be off work in the UK, so there is a great need to relieve the pain. The Alexander Technique can help people with both back and joint pain, as well prevent these conditions in those who are prone, be they desk bound office workers, pregnant women, musicians, elderly people, or children slouching over their homework. The technique is widely used fir a range of other problems, eg; stress. general muscular tension, voice and breathing problems. As well as confidence and self improvement.
Research has shown it can help with Parkinson’s disease and those suffering from depression, unlike osteopathy or massage, it is not a passive treatment, and Alexander Technique encourages the “pupil” to think, to become more conscious, to learn awareness of the mind and body, in order to heal themselves. Lessons teach the “pupil” to consciously release excess muscle tension, with verbal instruction and hands -on guidances, to rediscover our natural sense of uprightness and comfort. The word comfort comes from Latin Comforts, “com” meaning “with” and “fortis” meaning “strength”. It gives us strength and yet there is no effort involved. Essentially Alexander Technique is about doing less with greater ease.
Lesson last approximately 50-60 minutes. You will need to wear loose fitting clothes and be able to remove your shoes at the the first lesson, I will need a few personal medical details and will discuss your aims in coming. Together we can reach an assessment of whether the Alexander Technique is appropriate of you. How many (usually weekly) lessons you will need, and whether we feel we can work together. Lessons are usually experienced as being gentle and relaxing, but are also mentally challenging and stimulating.
It is important that you are willing and happy to take an active part in the lessons and take time for yourself each day. As a pupil you will learn the practical implications of thought and its effect on muscle activity. As a teacher, I will be using a gentle “hands on” and verbal approach to encourage the release of inappropriate tension, allowing the body to become better benched and aligned. During the course of the lesson yo may move from a “semi supine” position, to standing, walking, crawling, or reproducing daily activities.
Sophia Hatch - Free Dancer