What is Reiki Healing? 

Reiki is a natural healing energy activated by intention. It works on every level, not just the physical. The practice of Reiki is an original method of healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20 th century. The Japanese word Reiki means ” Universal Energy “. Eastern medicine has always recognized and worked with this energy, which flows through all living things and is vital to well-being; known as “ki” in Japan, “chi” in China and “prana” in India . Acupuncture, Tai chi, and Yoga are also based on the free-flow of this energy in a person. Reiki is a non-invasive therapy whose aim is to treat holistically and to restore homeostasis. 
“Reiki is a wonderfully relaxing therapy that utilizes universal life energy. It allows you to integrate and become aware of the physical, spiritual, existential and emotional aspects of your being, enhancing health and combating illness. It’s good for dealing with stress or life changes, lessening the symptoms of illness and promoting a feeling of wellbeing.”

Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful complementary therapy that may be used with confidence alongside orthodox healthcare. As such, it expands treatment options. Reiki is not, however, an alternative to conventional medicine. You should therefore always consult a GP about acute or infectious conditions, and in connection with problems of an urgent nature.
As with all complementary therapies, sometimes after a Reiki treatment there can be “reactions”  eg: extreme tiredness, headaches, upset stomach, onset of a cold, release of previously held feelings – but with rest and drinking plenty of water these symptoms should pass very quickly, and need not be of concern.
Avoiding alcohol, eating lightly, rest, and lots of water are always recommended afterwards.  
 What happens during a session? 

A Reiki treatment is non-diagnostic, non-interventionist, non- manipulative, and no pressure is applied. A session is usually carried out with the recipient lying down, or sitting, in a comfortable , peaceful environment. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki energy passes easily through all materials, including plaster casts. The practitioner places their hands gently on or over the body. The recipient automatically draws in only as much energy as is needed, using it in whatever way is most appropriate at the time. Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all. Reiki is deeply relaxing and has a profoundly calming effect. It is a good idea to rest for a while afterwards and drink plenty of water over the next few days. Listen to your body’s needs eg: resting if tired, and allowing the energy to continue its work in the days following the session. The beneficial effects may be felt for several days. 

Frequency of treatments 

Even one single Reiki session may make a difference; however a course of regular treatments may be more effective. These could be weekly, fortnightly or less often, depending on the individual needs. If there is  something is major going on in your health, weekly treatments may well be needed to begin with, along with some distance healing to support you in-between times . A treatment plan may be discussed and reviewed on an individual basis. This will be always be subject to your own preferences, and can be changed at any time in line with progress. 

 What are the benefits ?  

Illness can be a time of great stress. Reiki can help us cope by encouraging relaxation and bringing balance to both mind and emotions. Benefits reported include deep relaxation promoting a calm peaceful sense of well being; on all levels. Reiki encourages and supports positive personal choices such as improving diet, taking more exercise, devoting time for rest and leisure, may reduce the need for alcohol and tobacco. Engendering greater inner harmony and balance, regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges. Reiki’s gentle energy is easily adapted to most medical conditions and may be used safely by people of all ages, including the new born, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and elderly, in any situation. Reiki can enhance everyday living, and regular sessions may help to promote development of a healthier, more resourceful state of being. Reiki is being used in various locations including private practice, complementary therapy centers, GP surgeries, hospitals, hospices, cancer support groups, post – operative recovery, drug rehab, prisons, HIV/AIDS centers, and in care of the elderly.

You can also buy vouchers to give as a present to family or friends, to the value of, £35/ 45 .

Contact me for more info : sophiafreedancer@talktalk.net 

​Or call : 01422 843000.

Sophia Hatch Master Reiki Practitioner. Member of the Reiki Federation and insured. First started in 1994.Practicing in Hebden Bridge.

Further details : The UK Reiki Federation  www.reikifed.co.uk mail:enquiry@reikifed.co.uk